Subconscious Imprinting Technique (SIT)

Empowering Humans & Healers since 2019

What is SIT?

What is Subconscious Imprinting Technique?

SIT is a step by step healing system designed to uncover & resolve emotional data from the past that is manifesting as physical pain and frustrating behavioural patterns in the present.

Our practitioners are trained to Reveal and bring resolution to the Subconscious, Somatic, Generational & Past Life Imprints that are keeping people anchored in physical & emotional pain.

We are emotional beings living in a world that's constantly influencing us to disconnect & distract from our feelings at all cost.

Being disconnected from our emotions is very profitable, after all.

But this disconnection leads to pain, illness, anxiety, depression, and at its worst, suicide.

We are on a mission to help people do the opposite. 
We're here to help you SIT with it.

I couldn't drink water without throwing it up!

"I wasn't able to drink water without throwing it up. Since that session, I have been able to drink 105 gallons of water in the last 107 days"

- J.B.


"I acknowledged and released a memory I was ashamed of and the consistent migraines that were ruining my life for over a year have magically DISAPPEARED!!!"

- Jen. M.

SIT absolutely equals freedom.

"I signed up as a volunteer and resolved 30 years of low back pain during a SIT students exam. That was the clincher for me. I knew I had to sign up."

- Jay, RMT & Eden Medicine Practitioner

For years I had this suffering on my skin

"Oh my god, my hands aren't swollen! My hands aren't itchy and red and cracked and bleeding!"

-Nadia, Mentor & Healing Through Art

Whether you're looking to heal yourself & your family line...

Or you're a practitioner seeking for deeper ways to support your clients...

Join us in learning how to SITwithit.
Join the Movement

We’re on a mission to Empower 100,000 humans from 
Physical & Emotional Pain by 2033.

Share your SITcess story and receive a T-SHIRT.

Join the Movement

The 4 E's of Trauma

our Practitioners are trained to uncover & bring resolution to.

Trauma is highly misinterpreted & misunderstood. We often hear, “I grew up in a great home! I haven't experienced trauma”.  

Trauma can be anything that was too much, too soon and too fast for the nervous system to process, or ‘not enough’ for too long (not enough love, safety, protection, etc).

What we’ve found after facilitating thousands of these sessions is that 
it’s often not trauma itself that needs resolution.

It’s often the lack of safety, protection & acknowledgement surrounding a specific Emotion, Event, Experience or Environment that needs resolution.

This data becomes locked in the nervous system, thus, directing our physical, energetic & emotional posture in life.

This is why people who’ve done upwards of decades in therapy

have experienced deep resolution in as little as one single SIT Session.

We’ve been told that SIT brings perspectives to angles of ones history that are uncommon to be explored in traditional clinical settings.

Here’s ‘The 4 E’s of Trauma’ our practitioners are trained to identify:


Emotions are energy in motion. When we are not given a safe space to discharge the energy after a big emotional event, it will recycle itself in situations that remind the nervous system of that event.

Animals intuitively shake it off, humans have been taught to stuff it down.


This is a singular, more typical “traumatic” incident that people think of when the word trauma comes into play.

This could be a car accident, a big move, a divorce, sexual assault, death of a loved on - and the emotions around it. An event is a singular experience.


This is a short period where a physical or emotional need was not met, or there was physical or psychological pain endured.

This would have extended longer than a singular event, like “My grade 2 bully” or “Getting dropped off at summer camp for the week”.


This is more typical of the house you grew up in, the parenting you received (or did not receive), and if your physical & emotional needs were met in a way that you perceived to be satiating.

Environment is a significant portion of what shaped you.

One of the unique frameworks we teach in the SIT Certification is about

The SUB-SOMA Feedback Loop

Physical or Emotional Trauma Occurs
It goes Unprocessed
We Armour Up (Somatically & Subconsciously)
Physical, Mental & Emotional Tension exists
Body experiences extended "survival" response
Physical & Emotional reactions become disproportionate to current environment
HPA Axis (Fight, Flight, Freeze) 
Neuroception becomes hyper-active
Vital organs, muscles & system becomes weakened & exhausted
Chronic Muscle Tension, Weakened Immune System and Exhaustion become resting state
Creativity, Authenticity & Your True Essence is burdened by the bodies process in attempt to survive

One of the unique frameworks we teach in the SIT Certification is about

The SUB-SOMA Feedback Loop

Physical or Emotional Trauma Occurs
It goes Unprocessed
Physical, Mental & Emotional Tension exists
We Armour Up (Somatically & Subconsciously)
Neuroception becomes hyper-active
HPA Axis (Fight, Flight, Freeze) 
Body experiences extended "survival" response
Physical & Emotional reactions become disproportionate to current environment
Vital organs, muscles & system becomes weakened & exhausted
Chronic Muscle Tension, Weakened Immune System and Exhaustion become resting state
Creativity, Authenticity & Your True Essence is burdened by the bodies process in attempt to survive

All of this is occurring due to repressed or suppressed
emotions & memories that simply need acknowledgement.

With Subconscious Imprinting Technique, we bring resolution to the original event, even - if you don’t remember anything “significant” happening.

The body remembers what the mind forgets, and our practitioners are qualified to uncover & bring resolution to the repressed memories & emotions that your body or behaviour are signaling to.



We recommend not trying to intellectualize the process too much, but we do recognize that sometimes people need to understand things to feel safe to try it!


(if you work with a graduate from 2022 or earlier they are trained in 4/6 steps)

Step 1: REASON

You and your practitioner will get clarity on the Reason for your session and what you’re looking to achieve.

It may be a physical symptom: like migraines, acne, eczema, night terrors, low back pain, menstrual dysregulations, etc.

It may be more of a mental or emotional symptom: like anxiety, fear, panic, deep sadness or just an energetic sense of heaviness.

They will also guide you through the imperative Reframe process, which is creating a new, clear path of where you desire going & how you desire feeling.

Step 2: REVEAL

Through using our SIT Reveal Process, your practitioner will Reveal the root of the disharmony or dis-ease you’re experiencing in your physical, emotional or spiritual life.

The root is often a hidden belief, loyalty, vow, commitment or decision you made, due to a specific life event, experience, trauma or influence, as well as the repressed emotions associated.

It can also be rooted in generational or past life trauma.


Please note: SIT grew a lot in 2022 onward, and not all of our practitioners prior to 2022 are trained in skillfully navigating Generational/Past Life Imprints


Once the emotional root-cause has been revealed, the practitioner will guide you to lay down for the next portion of the session.

This part of the process will be focused on guiding your subconscious mind to unlink from outdated emotional patterns that are causing physical, emotional or spiritual imbalance within the body & or being.

The practitioner will help you Reprogram the subconscious mind with the new “data” you’re looking to create from.
New empowering beliefs and decisions are imprinted to create new outcomes that align with the life, emotions, health and actions you desire.

It’s always in your own language, which was uncovered during the Reason & Reframe.

Think of it like a “software” upgrade!


The release portion of a session is where a practitioner may invite you through a somatic release sequence to Release any somatic imprints or somatic armouring your body has developed as a safety strategy.

This is where we physically move the emotions (energy in motion that's been stifled) out of the body so it's no longer dormant in your physical tissues.


Now that the “software” that’s been running subconsciously has been reprogrammed, you’re like a computer that’s been Restored to its original settings - who you were before the effects of the “imprints”.

Think of it like erasing your computer of viruses, and installing new apps that are way cooler and more aligned with who you want to become.

Step 6: REPAIR

Healing only begins in sessions, courses & programs, but becomes embodied in the playing field of life. The Repair stage of SIT is the integral embodiment work that happens between & outside of sessions.

Your practitioner may recommend homework that is relevant to your reason & reframe, or behavioural patterns that are outdated & ineffective.

For example:

For people who say YES to everything, resent it later and end up with a migraine, a practitioner might suggest, “I want you to try a week of saying ‘No’, and noticing the sensations in your body when you say no”.

Or, you may come up with ideas together.

Ultimately, this integration work is designed to Repair the fracture & weakness within your energetic field that were exposed during the Reveal portion.

Unlocking Healing Through

Subconscious Imprinting Technique (SIT)


Subconscious Imprinting Technique (SIT) is a healing process designed to help you uncover & acknowledge repressed emotions that are contributing to chronic physical, emotional & behavioural symptoms that nothing has been able to resolve.

We are filling the gap in western medicine that neglects the reality of repressed emotions and memories & their impact on the body & being.

If you've:
  • Read the books and done the meditations...
  • Tried diets, medications or even unsuccessful surgeries...
  • If you have tried everything and anything...

But never addressed the Emotional Body…
SIT, as part of your wellness practice, could be the key.

Sign up for SIT Practitioner Training

Frequently Asked Questions

Acknowledgements for SIT.

Acknowledgements for SIT.

Gratitude to the Trailblazers

Subconscious Imprinting Technique stands on the shoulders of giants who came before us.

Our work simply could not exist, had it not been for the trail blazers, change makers, and seekers who questioned the paradigms of western health. To their willingness to receive arrows, scoffs and public ridicule. To the hours of research, studies and clinical trials spent proving mind/body/emotional connection. To their dedication to create a better world and continuously ask,

“What else is possible we’ve never even considered?”

To name just a few: Dr. Gabor Mate, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Candace Pert, Dr. Dain Heer, Gary Douglas, Dr. Annette Cargioli, Dr. John Sarno, Maxwell Maltz, Mark Wolynn, Karol Truman, Steven Kessler, Richard Schwartz.

To Traditional Chinese Medicine for always being rooted in mind-body-spirit medicine. Thank you for the intelligence of meridian theory and acupuncture that has allowed us to make physical healing through emotional liberation accessible to humans around the globe.

To our absolute ride or die’s who have believed in us, stuck it out with us and continued to help us directly or indirectly build this army since 2019 (and before).

We couldn’t do it without our team and our army.

To Riley, Roman (and the spirit of Princey) for constantly flooding us with oxytocin. For expressing our emotions when we were too stubborn. For holding pain for us when it was too much for us to bear. For gracing us with the most purest, unconditional, infinite amounts of love and laughter. We’re better humans because of you.

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." ― Anatole France

To ALL our students.

Your trust in us and our team is something we do not take for granted, nor do we take lightly.  

We’re grateful you said yes, and cannot wait to see where this journey takes you.

Thank you for being part of our crew, our learning lessons, our growth & the development of SIT and us as humans. We couldn’t do this without you.

In Memory of David Walter Eigler.

Dad, I am hella sorry if you’re soul-sweating about all the intimate details I have shared about your life in our certification program.

Thank you for the transformation your story initiated within me, and as a result, thousands of others. Your story has been the key that has unlocked many peoples’ prisons.

Losing you has been the most paradoxical experience of my life. I love you, I miss you and I thank you.

To name just a few: Dr. Gabor Mate, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Candace Pert, Dr. Dain Heer, Gary Douglas, Dr. Annette Cargioli, Dr. John Sarno, Maxwell Maltz, Mark Wolynn, Karol Truman, Steven Kessler, Richard Schwartz.

To Traditional Chinese Medicine for always being rooted in mind-body-spirit medicine. Thank you for the intelligence of meridian theory and acupuncture that has allowed us to make physical healing through emotional liberation accessible to humans around the globe.

To our absolute ride or die’s who have believed in us, stuck it out with us and continued to help us directly or indirectly build this army since 2019 (and before).

We couldn’t do it without our team and our army.

To Riley, Roman (and the spirit of Princey) for constantly flooding us with oxytocin. For expressing our emotions when we were too stubborn. For holding pain for us when it was too much for us to bear. For gracing us with the most purest, unconditional, infinite amounts of love and laughter. We’re better humans because of you.

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." ― Anatole France

And thank you, for reading this.

Your trust in us and our team is something we do not take for granted, nor do we take lightly. The

principles in this manual have the potential to change everything for you (and your clients).

We’re grateful you said yes, and cannot wait to see where this journey takes you.

Thank you for being part of our crew. We couldn’t do this without you.

In Memory of David Walter Eigler.

Dad, I am hella sorry if you’re soul-sweating about all the intimate details I have shared about your life in our certification program.

Thank you for the transformation your story initiated within me, and as a result, thousands of others. Your story has been the key that has unlocked many peoples’ prisons.

Losing you has been the most paradoxical experience of my life. I love you, I miss you and I thank you.



something that deviates from what is standard, normal or expected.

If you're a healer, practitioner, coach or therapist...

Become highly skilled & sought after alongside us and join our 6 Month SIT Certification & Mentorship Program.

This is for you if:

🤍 You’ve been getting more complex cases that you know have deeper roots to them…

🤍 The current modalities & trainings you adore are limiting you…

🤍 You sense there’s a reason people open up to you the way they do…

🤍 You’ve had intuitive nudges that there’s a connection between the emotions & stories clients bring up, and the tension patterns they’re holding in their physical, spiritual & emotional bodies…

🤍 You crave guiding clients through transformation (not just symptom management)...

🤍 You're ready to be the anomaly in your industry, and hear things like, "That wasn't like ANY other {insert your title} I've worked with..."

Subconscious Imprinting Technique is a proven system loved by practitioners all over the world.

Our 6 month certification program will equip you to safely & effectively guide clients through the emotional, generational, and subconscious roots connected to their symptoms that they’ve been unconsciously dropping you hints about.



something that deviates from what is standard, normal or expected.

SIT Practitioner Training

The results I’ve gotten with my clients are fu**ing mind-blowing. 

"I have had such incredible results with SIT personally, for both chronic back pain from ankylosing spondlytis and emotional traumas from my childhood. Not to mention the anxiety I've had my whole life is gone. 

Incorporating SIT into my practice and the results I’ve gotten with my clients are fu**ing mind-blowing.

If you have an opportunity to take anything from these two, do it. Please do it."

- Taylore Acupuncturist & Clinic Owner
from Stettler, CANADA

Subconscious Imprinting was the missing piece I was searching for, both for myself as well as my career.

"The deep level of personal healing and growth I received during my time throughout this course is mind-blowing. Not to mention my clients have had great results as soon as just one session.

Words cannot even fully describe how amazing this training is. Everything is so relatable, easy to understand, and it's the first course where I've actually been EXCITED to learn the new materials."

- Chelsea Oryniak, RMT & Clinic Owner

from Edmonton, CANADA

“I had my acupuncture practice for a while… But I wasn’t feeling super connected to it. I felt like there was something “more” I was looking for.

I signed up not really knowing what to expect but just knew that I had to and that it would change my life. And it has. Not only has it brought my acupuncture practice to a whole new level, it has also brought tremendous awareness to my own life. Honestly, this academy is life-changing…”

-Kim Lyle, Registered Acupuncturist
from St. Alberta, CANADA

"I walked into Empowered Healers Academy as a newly divorced, stay-at-home mom trying to find my way...

and walked out an educated healer with enough confidence in my abilities to practice this healing modality that I immediately began attracting the right clients for me and building my business!"

- Leah Tabitha, SIT Practitioner 
Calgary, CANADA

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