The Joy of Being Wrong

One of my favourite things (I swear I am not a sadist) is the moment I realize I was *gasp* wrong

You ever have those moments?

Where you get that humble pie, realizing you misjudged someone or something? 

It hurts so good. 

These moments are especially hilarious when I was SO CERTAIN that I was "right" and "correct" about my judgement or assumption. 

I dunno why, I just love it and I feel like whoever is watching down on me gets a giggle every time, too. 

"You cute human, you".

This is top of mind for me today because this experience happened last month where I was unknowingly volunteered into running a booth at the International Women's Show in Calgary. 

See, one of our co-facilitators in the SIT Certification, Kristi McLeod, was signed up to run a booth for the 2 day event that was projected to have 20,000 women attend. šŸ˜³

But due to a funeral (that she was obviously not anticipating), she was going to need to step away from her booth for one of the days. 

So, in February while I was off galavanting in Hawaii, Kristi asked V if we'd be open to coming to Calgary and helping run the booth.

V said, "Yes, of course we will come help". 

I heard the news and panicked.

Trade Shows? Markets? Me? Oh heck no.

But for Kristi? Yes, of course. Obviously!

So, fast forward 2 months and here I was.

Running the booth... 

...and LOVING it. šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø

We got to meet so many incredible women... From other vendors, friends, our own students/practitioners, and so many women who visited the booth. 

We saw decades of symptoms resolve on the spot after 30 minute SIT Sessions with V. šŸ”„

We shared laughs and tears with strangers who've become community members.

And I got to really fully experience the profound magnitude of how Kristi has been BOOTS ON THE GROUND building her practice & helping people SITwithit by leveraging markets and in-person connection. She's a real one.

All this to say... By the end of this experience, I was exhilarated, inspired, and of course, deeply humbled. 

We had a good laugh when Kristi reminded me of the time I literally said to her, "I love that (markets)... For you. But they ain't for me!" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Ohhhh how preciously wrong I was. 

And how much I didn't know I was shutting myself off from. Judgements are funny like that. 

SO...  I am curious. When is the last time you allowed yourself to be proven delightfully wrong about something? 

It's vulnerable, for sure. A lot of people aren't even willing to be wrong.

But if you can find the joy in it, there's often so much to learn & receive.

Hope this lands for you.

- O'tion (New Lover of Markets) VanOhm ā¤ļøšŸŒŠ 


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