The SITuation

The SITuation hosts Empowered Healers Academy newsletters, blog posts, resources & content that helps spiritual leaders grow through story & life experiences.

From the Heart of a Renegade - Episode #24 - The New Paradigm of Activism with Anna Tsui


Genius coach, international writer, speaker, activist, serial entrepreneur, and founder of The Intuitive Business School, Anna Tsui sits down with Kelsey to discuss grace, anger, social justice, racialized violence against the Asian community, and honouring traditional healing modalities.

Kelsey and Anna’s discussion flows with deep wisdom and moves through heart centred intentions, unexpected connections, willingness to express love, the new paradigm of activism, fear, inner censorship, people pleasing paralysis, and stepping into our power and being ourselves.  

It’s a deep dive and a badass conversation.  

Anna also offers some insight on this powerful question (a question that our healing community might want to lean into and get more curious about): 

How do we, as healers, actually and tangibly, honour the traditional roots of our healing modalities and medicines so that we can carry it forward? 

Things are complex and tense out...

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