The SITuation

The SITuation hosts Empowered Healers Academy newsletters, blog posts, resources & content that helps spiritual leaders grow through story & life experiences.

Finding Purpose in your Pain (how to access Post Traumatic Growth)

So, last week, some devastating shit went down on our property.

But the emergency arborist (who simultaneously rescued while almost killing our cat), reminded me of a confidence-boosting, bank account growing, LIFE CHANGING lesson…

I’ll spare you the long story and get right into the meat n’ deets because I think you’re gonna love this.

(Especially if you’re TERRIFIED of failing or of people finding out about your deepest shames/wounds).

So, ironically, the same weekend he had to come to rescue our cat (who was stranded & bunking with an owl for 16 hours - true story), we were scheduled to go to our arborist and his wives house for dinner (#smalltownvibes)

Literally, the moment we rolled into his house, still unbuttoning our jackets, he says, “Well, I learned a LOT from my first cat rescue”...

He was stoked.

He went on to explain, in-depth, all the different strategies he would implement next time he has to rescue a cat from a massive...

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